You Don’t REALLY Want My Help

George McGuire
5 min readJul 21, 2020
You have to be willing to go through the fire…

We had just got done with a tough practice when one of my buddies on the team approached me.

“Hey man, you got a second?”

“Yea dude, what’s up?” I replied.

“I want to do exactly what you did.”

He was referring to my weight loss journey. I had spent the last four months focusing on my nutrition and really taking the time to get my health right. I had lost about 50 lbs and was the leanest that I had ever been.

He was similar to me as he was a strong athletic guy that was carrying some extra weight.

“Okay,” I said “It won’t be easy though, you are going to have to make some changes.”

“Yea man, I know, I am willing to do whatever you did for your results.”

“Okay, well step one is you have to give up drinking [alcohol].”

He looked at me blankly for a second, “Okay, what can I do BESIDES that?”

He said it with a smile, but he was serious. I realized that he wasn’t ready to be helped…

I have been a coach for over 20 years now.

The teams that I have coached have gone on to win state and national championships. Many of the athletes that I have coached have gone on to compete on D1A sports programs, won national titles, and even have gone on to compete with Team USA.

As a health and fitness coach I have helped people lose 20, 50, and even 100 pounds. I have helped people get in the best shape of their life, even AFTER their prime.

In the corporate world I have helped people find success as personal trainers, sales people, and managers. Helping people who want to climb the corporate ladder or who want to start their own business.

What is sometimes sad to think about is that the amount of people that I have helped find success is greatly outnumbered by the amount of people who have stayed stagnant, and never really made progress.

So, what is the secret to success? There isn’t any. Every inspirational speaker, and self-help “guru” has given their two cents on what makes a person successful…

Success isn’t buried in some deep secret that the world is keeping from you. It’s a series of habits that you constantly work at and improve.


I have found three key attributes that every single person that I have helped has developed (key word there, they worked on them until they got them right):

Willingness to Change EVERYTHING

This is step 1. You CANNOT go any further if you don’t accept this 100%.

The problem is THIS “simple” thing is where most people fall off.

Your body AND your mind will fight this tooth and nail! Change is hard!


Because it takes energy. Physical, calorie consuming energy.

Your body literally finds ways to make everything that you do consume the least energy as possible. So when it has to make a change, it tries to find a way to get back to what it has deemed as normal.

It actually takes 4–6 weeks for your body to make a physiological change BECAUSE your body wants to keep doing what it has been trained to do!

But here’s the catch…

For better or worse you are in the position that you are now BECAUSE of your habits and lifestyle.

You are literally holding yourself back.

Every single person that has found success (with or without me) was a different person from when they started.

During my health journey I went from a “big athletic guy” who would eat a bag of pizza rolls in one sitting, never lost a game of flip cup, and was ashamed of taking his shirt off in front of people to…

A lean confident guy who didn’t drink alcohol, worked out regularly, and became passionate about helping people get in the best shape of his life.

I was still me, but I changed my habits. And because I changed my habits, my lifestyle became different.

But I had to make the change FIRST. Your habits make your lifestyle, and your lifestyle whether you want to lose 50 lbs, make millions of dollars, or be a top-level athlete.

Try and fail…Try and Fail…Try and…

Of course, it’s not like you just snap your fingers and have new habits.

This takes practice…and practice takes failure…lots of it.

The bigger the goal, the more times you will fail.

If you’ve read my story about my personal weight loss journey then you know it took about four months for me to lose 50 lbs.

But what I didn’t talk about is the amount of times that I tried an failed to reach my goals.

The hours of cardio that didn’t work…

The crash diets that weren’t sustainable and caused me to gain back more weight than I lost…

The workout videos, the “ab-rockers”, and the countless gimmicks that never really panned out.

All in all it took me years to develop the right mindset and the right habits that would yield the results that I wanted.

It was frustrating, and I wanted to give up more times than I care to admit.

But through the process I learned not only WHAT works, but also WHY it works. And now I have developed habits that support my health and fitness goals for life, even if I fall of the path for a bit.


The hardest part of this all is that there is no guarantee that you will ever find success, that is what makes the change so hard.

When I coach young athletes I start the season by saying:

“EVERYONE wants to be the best but not everyone WANTS to be the best.”

What I mean is that everyone wants to wants to achieve their goals, it’s a nice thought. But not everyone is willing to put in the work and the sacrifice that it will take to REALLY achieve their goals.

You may need to change schedule, hire a coach, change your budget, get off social media, give up your favorite foods, not buy the newest cell phone, stop going to happy hour…

You will have to make sacrifices without any promise that all your efforts will actually work.

And that is scary, and why most people won’t make the change. They feel safe where they are at, and that is easier than the possibility of failure…

But I will tell you this, I have NEVER encountered ANYONE who made a change and saw ZERO improvement.

Every improvement is a step closer to your goals. Every workout makes you stronger, and healthier.

Every practice makes you a better athlete.

Every dollar you save instead of spend has the potential to increase your wealth.

But you have to be willing to sacrifice what is “safe” but doesn’t serve you.

If you want help implementing these strategies into your life to achieve your health and fitness goals, I would love to help you!

Ways to work with me:

Create Fitness is located in Kent, Washington

Book a FREE call HERE

Book your consultation HERE



George McGuire

As the CEO and found of Create Fitness George has over 20 years of professional coaching experience and holds multiple degrees and certs in health and fitness.